Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Computational and Disease Genomics Lab

Our lab is focused on developing and applying robust bioinformatics methods to large-scale, high-throughput, multi-dimensional Genomics, Epigenomics, and Transcriptomics data with the main emphasis on elucidating and understanding human disease progression and development, which is further expected to translate to public health practice.

Recent News

June 18th, 2024

New Paper (Sci. Adv.)

New Paper

Our cancer alternative tandem TSS paper has finally been accepted by Science Advances. We have developed a new computational method (DATTSS) and demonstrated the widespread dysregulation of tandem TSS usage in tumors. Our findings suggest dysregulated tandem TSS usage represents an additional layer of cancer-associated transcriptome alterations.

May 15th, 2024



Welcome our new lab member Yong Zhang, who received his Master’s in bioinformatics under the supervision of Dr. Jue Ruan. Yong will be working on bioinformatics method development. Welcome on board, Yong!

March 31th, 2024

National Genome Informatics Conference


Our PhD Candidate Hui was invited to give a presentation at National Genome Informatics Conference (NGlC) 2024 in Wuhan, China.

February 13th, 2024

New Paper (Nat. Commun.)


Our cancer susceptibility genes paper has finally been accepted by Nature Communications. We have demonstrated a distinct class of cancer susceptibility genes revealed by alternative polyadenylation transcriptome-wide association study. Congratulations to Hui and Zeyang.

January 26th, 2024



Congratulations to our student Qixuan for being awarded the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL) Director's Scholarship by Prof. Nieng Yan, Director of the SZBL.

January 25th, 2024

New Paper (Cell Discovery)

New Paper

Our RBBP6 collaborative work with Qi Xie’s Group has finally been accepted by Cell Discovery. We identified that E3 ligase RBBP6 is essential for glioblastoma stem cell maintenance and regulates MYC expression. Congratulations to Wenyan.