Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Computational and Disease Genomics Lab


June, 2024

● Our cancer alternative tandem TSS paper has finally been accepted by Science Advances. We have developed a new computational method (DATTSS) and demonstrated the widespread dysregulation of tandem TSS usage in tumors. Our findings suggest dysregulated tandem TSS usage represents an additional layer of cancer-associated transcriptome alterations.

May, 2024

● Welcome our new lab member Yong Zhang, who received his Master’s in bioinformatics under the supervision of Dr. Jue Ruan. Yong will be working on bioinformatics method development. Welcome on board, Yong!

March, 2024

● Our PhD Candidate Hui was invited to give a presentation at National Genome Informatics Conference (NGlC) 2024 in Wuhan, China.

February, 2024

● Our cancer susceptibility genes paper has finally been accepted by Nature Communications. We have demonstrated a distinct class of cancer susceptibility genes revealed by alternative polyadenylation transcriptome-wide association study. Congratulations to Hui and Dr. Wang and also other lab members.

January, 2024

● Congratulations to our student Qixuan for being awarded the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL) Director's Scholarship by Prof. Nieng Yan, Director of the SZBL.

● Our RBBP6 collaborative work with Qi Xie’s Group has been finally accepted by Cell Discovery. We identified that E3 ligase RBBP6 is essential for glioblastoma stem cell maintenance and regulates MYC expression. Congratulations to Wenyan. Cheers!

December, 2023

● Dr. Li was invited to present in the 12th National Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Academic Meeting in Shanghai.

November, 2023

● Our xQTLbiolinks paper has been accepted by Briefings in Bioinformatics. We described the xQTLbiolinks, as an end-to-end bioinformatic tool for mining and analyzing bulk and single-cell xQTL data for discovering disease susceptibility genes. Congratulations to Dr. Ding and other lab members.

● Our immune-response alternative polyadenylation has been finally accepted by Nature Communications. We have demonstrated the atlas of responsive 3′aQTLs (raQTLs), i.e., genetic variants associated with APA of target genes upon immune stimulations. Congratulations to Dr. Ma and other lab members.

October, 2023

● Welcome Dr. Xixian Ma joins our lab as a Postdoctoral Associate, Dr. Ma received his PhD in Computational Biology from PICB (Partner Institute for Computational Biology) under the supervision of Prof. Shuhua Xu. Additionally, also we congratulate our student on being awarded the prestigious National Scholarship for Graduate Excellence.

September, 2023

● Our scQTLbase paper has been accepted by Nucleic Acids Research. We described an integrated human single-cell eQTL portal, which features 304 datasets across 57 cell types and 95 cell states. Congratulations to Dr. Ding, Qixuan, Lihai and other lab members!

August, 2023

● We received a new NSFC award for the next four years to study computational modeling of intronic polyadenylation in human cancers. Cheers!

● Xudong's abstract has been ACCEPTED as a platform (oral) presentation at the ASHG 2023 Annual Meeting. There are less than 10% of abstracts can be selected as oral presentations. Cheers!

June, 2023

● Dr. Li was invited to present at the Biological Data Science, AI&Medicine Workshop.

April, 2023

● We had a lab retreat in Shanghai and visit Dr. Ting Ni’s lab in Fudan Univerisity.

● Dr. Li was invited to give a talk in the Chinese Academic Conference on Tumor Biomarker.

December, 2022

● Congratulation our student Qixuan awarded the most prestigious Shenzhen Bay Principal's Award.

● Welcome visiting student Zhaozhao Zhao from Fudan University and HuiHui Yang from Central South University visit our lab.

November, 2022

● Welcome Dr. Zeyang Wang from University of Munich to join our lab as a postdoctoral fellow. His research focus on functional characterization of the regulatory activities of non-coding elements.

● Congrats! We co-organized the first Shenzhen bioinformatics symposium.

September, 2022

● Welcome Dr. Ting Zhang from Northwest A&F University to join our lab as a postdoctoral fellow. His research focus on single-cell method development.

August, 2022

● Our paper has been accepted by Nucleic Acids Research, we described the first atlas of intronic polyadenylation quantitative trait loci. Congratulations to Dr. Ma, Shumin and other lab members!

● Our collaboration paper with Dr. Jingyi Jessica Li from the University of California, Los Angeles has been accepted by Genome Biology. We found that PCA outperforms popular hidden variable inference methods for molecular QTL mapping.

June, 2022

● Our research is featured in Nature Spotlight on Precision medicine

● Welcome Ruilong Zhou from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences join our group. He is interested in developing deep learning and machine learning approaches to analyze single cell data.

● Our paper has been accepted in principle by STAR Protocols (Cell Press), Congratulations to Dr. Zou, Dr. Ding!

May, 2022

● Welcome Kewei Xiong join our group, his interest is focused on single cell algorithm development.

March, 2022

● Our paper have been featured on the cover of first issue of Quantitative Biology this year. Congrats to Dr. Zou and also Xiangli for the cover design.

December, 2021

● Dr. Li was invited to give a talk on Chinese Academic Conference on Tumor Biomarker.

● Welcome Prof. Jianzhong Su, Dr. Liangde Xu, Dr. Meng Zhou from Wenzhou Medical University and Professor Yushan Qiu from Shenzhen University visit our lab and give a talk in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory.

November, 2021

● Congratulations! Our Lab received a open grant from SZBL to study breast cancer.

October, 2021

● Dr. Li was invited to give presentations on Young Bioinformatics PI Workshop and National Congress of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology.

● Welcome Prof. Wenfei Jin from Southern University of Science and Technology visit our lab and give a talk in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory.

September, 2021

● Dr. Li was invited to visit and gave a presentation in Key Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics Ministry of Education (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

● Dr. Ruofan Ding, a bioinformatics PhD from the Xiamen University, joined the lab as a postdoc.

Aguest, 2021

● Congratulations! Our collaboration paper with Prof.Shang about SNP rs4971059 was accepted in The EMBO Journal.

● Hui Chen, a master graduate from South China University of Technology, will join the lab as a RA.

● Congratulations! Our collaboration work about 3′aQTL-atlas was accepted in Nucleic Acids Research.

July, 2021

● Dr. Li delivered a keynote presentation in the 1st Zhejiang-Sichuan Bioinformatics conference.

● Qixuan Wang from Soochow University joined the lab as a graduate student.

June, 2021

● Congratulations! Our Nature Genetics paper have been previewed in Trends in Genetics.

● Congratulations! Our collaboration paper with Dr. Qian about Nuclear m6A Reader YTHDC1 was accepted in Blood.

● Dr. Xuelian Ma, a bioinformatics PhD from the China Agricultural University, will join the lab as a postdoc.

● Dr. Li attended the International Symposium on Big-Data, Non-coding RNA and Precision Medicine.

● Congratulations! Our collaboration paper about Pan-cancer characterization of TIL-lncRNAs was accepted in npj Precision Oncology.

May, 2021

● Dr. Yangmei Qin, a bioinformatics PhD from the Xiamen University, will join the lab as a postdoc.

● Dr. Wenyan Chen, a bioinformatics PhD from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, will join the lab as a postdoc.

March, 2021

● Liucheng Shi and Wenhao Gou, first year master's student of Columbia University the lab as visiting scholar.

● Our work on the development of new algorithms (scDaPars) for APA analysis from single-cell RNA-seq was accepted in Genome Research, cheers !

● Xudong's abstract have been selected as prerecorded poster presentation and will be featured in the coming NHLBI Systems Biology Symposium.

February, 2021

● Our work about Genetic Basis of Alternative Polyadenylation was accepted in Nature Genetics, cheers !

● Our work about Summary and Outlook on Alternative Polyadenylation was accepted in Quantitative Biology, cheers!

● Dr. Xudong Zou, a bioinformatics PhD from Peking University, joined the lab as an assistant researcher.

● Our Computing and Disease Genomics Research Lab was established, cheers!



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